Force Manager CRM

Force Manager CRM

It is designed to enhance the sales of small and medium companies that for a low cost can access to a multi-platform software, designed to be easy and comfortable, which is used in almost 90% of the day to day of the sales force. 

Why? because it facilitates salespeople in their operational tasks to focus on selling more to their customers.

Sales on the move: Our vision

A CRM for sales teams on the move, we believe that simplicity is key to improving sales and customer control.


Force Manager is a tactical and technological ally that allows sales reps to focus on what matters most: selling more.

Why choose Force Manager?

Force Manager is a mobile tool designed to support the day-to-day work of sales forces whose customers are on the street. This platform is designed to accelerate commercial actions and solve salespeople’s tasks.

Automatic logging
Force Manager leverages the benefits of mobile devices so that all activities can be recorded quickly and accurately as they happen.
Geolocation of activities
Force Manager collects information about the location of sales reps as they check in customers.
Voice Assistant
Reduces operational burden by allowing you to speak to Force Manager and it will record or schedule next actions to be taken.
Personalized leadership and goals
Force Manager identifies how to support your sales reps individually or in teams so that you can generate effective customer action plans and goals.
Offline CRM
Force Manager can be used when you don't have signal or internet access allowing you to record anything and everything at any time.
Calendar and documents
Integrate appointments, files, documents, proposals, marketing or product files in each of the business processes that your sales force carries out to have the information always available.

Force Manager is a tool to be used every day

Force Manager understands that a good product is one that can be used easily and requires no major effort to integrate it into the organization’s activities and processes. This program is designed so that you can start using it in a matter of minutes and it adapts to the particular sales actions for each industry.

Learn more about Force Manager and the benefits for your organization

Integration with programs
Force Manager is an easy-to-use application, so it integrates natively with applications such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Microsoft 365.
Deploy in record time
Force Manager is a program designed to be used quickly. Thanks to its adaptability, it can be deployed in a matter of hours.
Easy to configure, easy to use
Force Manager employs high standards of usability so that its parameterization and use by the end user is easy, simple to learn and use on a day-to-day basis by sales reps.
Adapt it to your business
Force Manager is a flexible tool that allows you to integrate to the particularities of business between companies in different industries.
Data integration
Force Manager allows the flow of work and information to continue through existing systems so that business traceability is not lost.