Azure Web Application Gateway

Azure WAG

Balancing the traffic to your web services is a quality that allows us to implement Azure Web Application Gateway so that you gain control over the ecosystem to which your solutions are subjected.

Control the traffic of your applications

Regulate traffic
Establish who can access your organization's resources.
Identify and block attacks based on their electronic signature or behavior.
Provides rules and parameters based on your traffic management needs.

Ensuring the stability of all online services of your company is a priority for all companies today, Azure Web Application Gateway is a solution that allows you to control and balance the requests to your online platforms securely.

How does Azure Application Gateway work?

Azure Application Gateway works by analyzing the traffic coming from the Internet to your web elements such as applications, services, e-commerce and even websites. Thanks to this you can identify and take timely action on incoming requests, and Azure WAG simplifies management functions so you can focus on making the right decisions for your business.

Learn more about Azure Web Application Gateway

Analysis and action

Azure Web Application Gateway is a solution that allows you to identify traffic behavior in your web applications before applying restrictive actions to avoid affecting the experience of your users.

Does it work for private sites in my organization?

Yes, Azure provides the ease and flexibility to protect sites that are not available to users outside your organization.

What applications does it have?

The functionality of Azure WAG is limited by your imagination. They can range from allowing access from specific IPs, limiting the number of requests users can make, redirecting between different data servers, among many others.

Why use Azure WAG?

Nowadays web applications are increasingly used as a target for malicious attacks by external threats, thanks to Azure Web Application Gateway you can prevent attacks on your systems without modifying them.