Data Analytics Services

Start the modernization of your data science back office

Modernize the back office
in data science

We are experts at using data mining techniques to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and relationships. Give yourself a competitive edge. Find new opportunities. Uncover hidden risks that you otherwise may miss.

The benefits of Nearshore Development
for data science projects

Forget about administrative processes and recruiting and retaining talent
You can accelerate the production of data science solutions by reaching your customers faster.
Reduce your costs
Save up to 70% on recruitment, training and retention, and other administrative burdens.
Focus on core business
Delegate time-consuming work to data science experts and free up your time and internal resources.
Get immediate solutions
Receive faster, real-time answers thanks to our presence in your time zone and geographic proximity.
Share knowledge with professionals from other parts of the world
Your project will benefit from the experience of professionals from different sectors and parts of the world.
Evolve your workflows
Access experts in digital and agile methodologies and workflows to help your team adopt a high level of competence.
Count on a diverse
and experienced team
You can increase or decrease your team in an easy and almost instantaneous way, satisfying your business needs more optimally.
Respond nimbly
to market changes
A more flexible operating structure will make you more competitive than large companies.
Optimize your data
Ensure the proper management of your information and the correct data treatment.

Is your data out 
of control?

Data integration
Your data are in different states of accuracy and relevance and stored in databases that may not communicate with each other.
Large volumes
of data

Too much data, especially unstructured, results in complex data sets to analyze for decision making

Data privacy

The stored data is not secure or does not comply with privacy laws and regulations

Lack of data

When your data is not structured and organized enough to analyze it.

Poor data quality

Data integrity or accuracy issues.

Data duplication

You have excessive copies of data managed by different teams

between teams

Their teams have different procedures, objectives, and standards for data processing.

Difficulty in data
Problems with telling data-driven stories and getting access to data quickly anytime, anywhere.
Lack of experience
in data science

Your team has no experience implementing solutions in analytics and data engineering.

DAECO Services

Using analytical maturity models, we use evidence from your data to identify, describe, explain and evaluate your organization’s growth lifecycles.

We help you better understand your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, its position relative to your competitors, and its potential evolutions.

We provide comprehensive solutions by studying the variations and trends of different metrics and indicators to obtain a quantitative description of what has happened or how things are being done in your business.

We study and relate all available data to find behavioral patterns that explain the results obtained in the descriptive analysis.

We analyze current and historical facts to predict future or unknown events related to your business key indicators.

We recommend actions and foresee the impact they will have to ease and automate decision-making, identifying the best decision among all possible ones.

Through an ETL process (extraction, transformation, and loading of data), we integrate all your databases, analyze them and make the information available.

We tell stories from your data. We represent your data, findings, and information in dashboards through technological visualization tools.

We share with your team the methods, objectives, and results of the processes to have a competent team. Additionally, we train employees in data analytics.