Training in market research


Through a knowledge management center, we condense the learnings we have acquired over many years and turn them into training seminars.

Seminars - Workshop

Workshop: Communication from congruence

Through a theoretical and practical approach, the fundamentals and benefits of building communication-based on congruence are presented in a close and pedagogical manner.

Attendees will receive specific tools to make their personal and professional contact a more far-reaching experience, taking communication from an instrumental level to an existential one.

Although the exercises and fundamentals presented apply to any person or business reality, the seminar focuses on communication as a founding event of transcendent brands.

This seminar-workshop starts from the essence of communication, with the purpose of:

  1. Connecting worlds
  2. Teach
  3. Modify values and beliefs
  4. Define meaning and purpose
  5. Establish frameworks of understanding
  6. Founding brands

Workshop: Communication from congruence

Through a theoretical and practical approach, the fundamentals and benefits of building communication-based on congruence are presented in a close and pedagogical manner.

Attendees will receive specific tools to make their personal and professional contact a more far-reaching experience, taking communication from an instrumental level to an existential one.

Although the exercises and fundamentals presented apply to any person or business reality, the seminar focuses on communication as a founding event of transcendent brands.

This seminar-workshop starts from the essence of communication, with the purpose of:

  1. Connecting worlds
  2. Teach
  3. Modify values and beliefs
  4. Define meaning and purpose
  5. Establish frameworks of understanding
  6. Founding brands

Workshop: Brand micro-stories

Through a theoretical-practical approach, based on pieces (in different formats) of the brand’s current and historical communication, the fundamentals to construct micro-narratives with pragmatic effects are presented in a close and pedagogical way.

The seminar allows you to respond to:

What is the intention of the issuing brand, and how is the story developed to communicate it?


How does the audience interpret the story composition, and what effect does it have on their attitudes and values?


Structuring branded micro-stories from a pragmatic narrative model allows controlling the effects produced by the arrangement of the narrative, achieving coherence between the original intention and the effect produced.

Workshop: Neurological Brand Alignment

The construction of a brand from systemic thinking allows building a very close relationship between the brand and its consumer so that “the reality of the brand” is the product of a co-creation process from circular and non-linear thoughts.

A transcendent brand is built from its TELOS (its higher purpose)

So, aligning a brand neurologically means building it from the axiological values of the brand-customer system.


The axiological criterion identifies the value system that allows us to “feel” the good and the bad, estimate the best, and desire excellence.


This seminar-workshop poses challenges of empathy with its consumers to those responsible for building brands and opens a highway to build stable and loyal relationships.

Workshop: Neurological Brand Alignment

The construction of a brand from systemic thinking allows building a very close relationship between the brand and its consumer so that “the reality of the brand” is the product of a co-creation process from circular and non-linear thoughts.

A transcendent brand is built from its TELOS (its higher purpose)

So, aligning a brand neurologically means building it from the axiological values of the brand-customer system.


The axiological criterion identifies the value system that allows us to “feel” the good and the bad, estimate the best, and desire excellence.


This seminar-workshop poses challenges of empathy with its consumers to those responsible for building brands and opens a highway to build stable and loyal relationships.

Workshop: Statistics applied to market research

The application of statistics in market research accompanies the entire process of design, operation, and analysis of a project; that is, technical and statistical criteria must be adopted in the definition of objectives, in the construction of instruments, in the identification of indicators, in the application of sampling, in data processing and their analysis.

The methodology of the workshop seminar

The methodology of the workshop seminar suggests that, at the end of the process, the statistical concepts will have been applied in a direct investigation, which constitutes a model of applied learning.


During the seminar, participants will understand and apply descriptive and causal research concepts, which will enable them to lead or accompany complete market research processes.

Workshop: Qualitative techniques for market research

As customer experience areas are created, it is necessary to train professionals in techniques of deep consumer knowledge, trying to understand the consumer integrally.

Daeco in alliance with

Total Marketing Group

Daeco in alliance with

Total Marketing Group has designed and applied a weekly workshop on qualitative techniques of empathy and customer knowledge, which includes strategies to develop an in-depth interview, ethnographic monitoring, in-depth focus groups and even propose mystery shopper models that reveal much more about the consumer’s behaviors to understand their emotional reactions.


Through exercises, attendees acquire the skills (personal and research) necessary for building empathy maps that allow them to identify the points of pleasure and pain in the relationship with a customer.