What Is Your Analytical Maturity Level?

If your analytical maturity capabilities are falling short, it’s likely due to one of the following common obstacles:

You don’t have

a data strategy

You are not focusing your resources on results

You are blind to easy growth opportunities

You didn’t ask the tough questions of your business

You forgot about
the impact of dirty

You need an analytic coach to move ahead data

It is about time to know where your company stands.

DAECO's analytical maturity model allows you to solve these obstacles

Knowing and increasing the level of analytical maturity in your company will generate wiser decision making, with a lower degree of uncertainty, benefiting all departments and consequently making it more productive and profitable. Use the evidence provided by your data to identify, describe, explain and evaluate the growth lifecycles in your organization.

Do you know what stage of
Analytical Maturity you are in?

Do you know what stage of Analytical Maturity you are in?

On the face of it, the analytics maturity model is simply the progression of types of analysis an organization focuses its resources on. For example, a single descriptive analysis use case is not as valuable as a single predictive analysis use case.


Knowing what has happened is helpful, but not quite as helpful as predicting the future. This is the progression of analytics maturity. Each level ties directly to the types of questions we are trying to answer.

With DAECO's Analytical
model you can:

Create and develop a common language.

Establish a complete vision for analytical excellence.

Identify and address obstacles in your data analysis processes.

Understand the actual state of your organization’s level of analytical maturity.

Improve the governance of your data.

Increase the likelihood of action to achieve a competitive advantage.

Produce action plans to close performance gaps and improve maturity.

Determine where the organization stands on your analytical improvement journey.

Set clear objectives for future investments in performance improvement.

Advance to the next level of analytics maturity

Data has value when it answers business questions and triggers actions that generate profitability. We integrate data into the decision-making model and allow information to be an asset with value for your team and your projects.

Do you know which analytics you need?

Descriptive Analysis

Diagnostic Analysis

Predictive Analysis

Prescriptive Analysis



Why did
this happen?

What’s going
to happen?

What should


It uses data mining and data aggregation to discover historical data

It examines causes of trends to help companies better understand variations in performance and customer behavior

It looks at historical data and analyzes past data trends to predict what could happen

It takes the conclusions gleaned froms descriptive and predictive análisis and recommends the best future course of action


It’s easy to employ in daily opertations. Little experience is needed

It enables bussiness to make more-informed decisions about how to solve problems and drive continued success

It’s a valuable forecasting tool

It offers critical insights into the best, most informed decisions.


It offers a limited view, and doesn’t beyond the data’s surface

It focuses on historical data; it can only help understand why events happened in the past

It needs lots of historical data to work. It will never be 100% accurate

It requires a lot of past data and often cannot account for all posible variables

Do you know which analytics you need?

Descriptive Analysis


What happened?


It uses data mining and data aggregation to discover historical data


It’s easy to employ in daily opertations. Little experience is needed


It offers a limited view, and doesn’t beyond the data’s surface

Diagnostic Analysis


Why did this happen?


It examines causes of trends to help companies better understand variationsin performance and customer behavior


It enables bussiness to make more-informed decisions about how to solve problems and drive continued success


It focuses on historical data; it can only help understand why events happened in the past

Predictive Analysis


What’s going to happen?


It looks at historical data and analyzes past data trends to predict what could happen


It’s a valuable forecasting tool


It needs lots of historical data to work. It will never be 100% accurate

Prescriptive Analysis


What should happend?


It takes the conclusions gleaned froms descriptive and predictive análisis and recommends the best future course of action


It offers critical insights into the best, most informed decisions


It requires a lot of past data and often cannot account for all posible variables