Prescriptive Analytics
Discover the impact of your decisions and protect your business from data uncertainty with our prescriptive analytics.
If your analytics capabilities are falling short, it’s likely due to one of the following common obstacles:
You make decisions based on gut feel because you don’t have decision support systems able to guide your decision making.
Planning processes may be so complex that it’s impossible to optimize outcomes.
Focuses more on execution than decision making.
You’re unable to determine whether the decisions you make are the best for your business.
DAECO's prescriptive analytics allow you to create an effective strategy
Simplify complex decision-making while balancing business goals and constraints using optimization technology.
The 7 stages in our
Prescriptive Analytics Process
Defining the question
Your first step should be to clearly define the problem you’re trying to solve, or which question you’d like to answer
Gather, analyze and Preparing Data
Next, you’ll gather the data you need and prepare your dataset. Ensure your dataset is correctly labeled and formatted. Clean up any incomplete, missing, or inconsistent data.
Create and Deploy Models
Here we choose from the various algorithms and create models to the prescriptive process. Specific techniques used include optimization, simulation, game theory and decision-analysis methods.
Execute Models against Data
Here we run models against the available data set. This processes the data and throws out results which needs to be analyzed for success or failure.
Monitoring and Analyzing
Here we monitor the results and check if the objectives are satisfied. This determines if the models are accurate and produces the desired results.
Recommendations and Corrections
The final step of a prescriptive model is that we get the “prescription” or “recommendation” on what we need to do achieve our goals.
Self-Healing and Auto Tunings
Taking a step beyond Prescriptive Analytics, is the implementation of the recommendations. In this, using bots, we may automate the prescribed recommendations.
Prescriptive analytics helps to determine ways in which business processes need to evolve or be modified
With DAECO’S Prescriptive Analytical solution:
Use machine learning to improve decision-making capabilities over time.
Optimize product planning, processes, campaigns and strategies.
Understand the risks associated with potential decisions.
Reduce inefficiencies and drive smarter operational decision-making.
Spend less time thinking and more time doing.
Effortlessly map the path to success.
Inform real-time and long-term business operations.
Reduce human error or bias.